Thursday, September 10, 2009

Still in Shock!

I must say that I am still in shock from yesterday's surprise news. I can honestly say that I did not expect that phone call. I thought for sure that I would have to get my agency to check on our paper work again...since that seems to be our theme for this adoption. I think the biggest part of the shock was being told that they are trying to get us out of here a week earlier than originally planned. I know it is only a week, but 6 weeks seems a LOT closer than 7 weeks. Or maybe it is just the reality that we are ACTUALLY going to China to meet Ashlyn. I think that is the biggest shocker. I knew it would be our turn, I just guess that I knew it wasn't for sure until we received our TA. So we did, and now it is very real!

I have been working on another blog site for our trip, since Ch*na has blocked Bl*gger. When we get ready to leave I will post a link to our travel site and you can all follow us on our trip to Ch*na. Six weeks...better make sure I start tying up our loose ends.

1 comment:

Karin said...

So happy that it was a GOOD kind of shock this time! :) Happy Packing!! :)