Tuesday, June 30, 2009

23 Months Old Today

My baby is 23 months old today!
Mommy hopes you have a great day!
Only one more month and then you will be two years old!
Hang on, sweetie, we will get there as soon as we can!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

88..the Number of the Day

Just wanted to give a quick update. Yes, we are on day 88. Yes, I am ok. Thank you all so much for the many calls from my sweet friends who love me enough to know the "tone" of my typing and feel the need to call and email to comfort me. I love you all more than you know. I absolutely have the BEST friends!

I did get some good news from my agency last week. They checked on our paper work and we are in the review room...which is a very good thing. At least we are not still in translation or lost! Our agency was told to "give it a week or two" (translation: in the next 2 - 4 weeks we will probably get it). I am just happy that we know that it is right where it is suppose to be. I do not expect anything this week since there were a lot of LSCs that came out last week. I am praying for next week, but we shall see. So please keep praying that this very important paper makes its way to us very soon. Travel from LSC is about 9 weeks right now. We are now looking at a September travel date. Come on LSC!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sad News

Last night we received some very sad news. The baby girl that we were sponsoring
from China passed away on Tuesday. She had a heart condition and ended up having heart failure.
She was only three months old. Baby Hope
February 27, 2009 -
June 16, 2009
You have found your forever family in heaven with Jesus!
"Lucky Girl"
Here is Hope's story:
Baby Hope was found outside her orphanage with some formula, 150 rmb and an IV indwelling still attached to her head. The parents were probably given the news at the hospital that their little girl was very sick and they made the gut-wrenching choice to abandon her in the hopes that someone would be able to help her.
The 150 rmb is very telling-- as that is a lot of money to a poor Chinese family. My heart breaks for the mother who left this beautiful baby girl.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Be Anxious for Nothing

Today we have hit the big 80. It is so hard to wait. Our agency says that the average wait time is 30 - 60 days.........all I want to do is scream "What about us?" "What about my baby girl?" But in my frail human state God comes to me and gently speaks soothing peace to my mind and heart.

While I was doing my Bible time last week I came across this verse and it was perfect for where I am.

Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
The key here is to pray your requests and add some thankfulness to it. There have been (unfortunately) many cases for me to put these verses into action since I read them. I think He is trying to say, "Do you get it now? It really does work." And it does. Since I have been burdened by many things this past week I have had the honor of praying in this way and the peace does come. You have to believe that it will and it does. It makes whatever your circumstance is seem a wee bit smaller and at that point I will take anything! I am so blessed to be absolutely adored by my Heavenly Father. The same Father that is holding my little girl, who is so far away, right in His hands.
From this point on I am getting on with life. Adoption is a very consuming event. It can really take hold of all of you. And then those around you have very little of you. That is not how this is suppose to work. As hard as the wait is, adoption is really an amazing thing. I would do it again in a heart beat because in the end the reward is great and it will all have been worth what we go through and so much more. But for now I need to enjoy this time with the amazing family that is right here with me. I need to wait on God's perfect timing for the day that my husband and I will get to fly to China and meet our beautiful little girl!

Sunday, June 14, 2009